With the future of the church being anything but status quo, we find ourselves in a wilderness experience struggling to navigate the harsh realities and uncertainties of what lies ahead. The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ invites you to enter into a time of oasis, where you can take in a deep breath, commune with the Spirit of Christ, find renewal, and know that you are not alone in the struggle. We invite you to open to the Spirit’s leading as we explore together the life-giving seeds of possibilities within the wilderness experience, and re-imagine what it means to be the Body of Christ in this place and time. That reimagining includes building partnerships between local churches who share resources (including pastors), merge ministries, and connect with community partners. Representatives from congregations around our conference will share how this has been life giving for them and how they overcame longtime resistance to making it happen. Similarly, representatives of the Keystone Study Group will share their conversations about creating partnerships between and among our four PA Conference that may lead to a four Conference merger.
Dates: June 2-3, 2023
Location: West Chester University, 110 W. Rosedale Ave., West Chester
Registration for Spring Meeting is now closed.
If you missed registration, please contact Susan at the PSEC office at susan@psec.org. or 484-949-8774 x 312.
Because no children have been registered for this meeting, there will be NO childcare for this meeting. We will save the budget by not paying for something that has not been requested.
All delegates must be in person to vote. Although there is a viewing option in registration, there will not be the ability to vote online.
Worship Bulletins:
Friday Morinng Worship Bulletin 6-2-23
Friday Night Worship Bulletin 6-2-23
Saturday Morinng Worship Bulletin 6-3-23
Closing Worship Bulletin 6-3-23
Call to Annual Spring Mtg 2023
Child Care Form – Annual Mtg 2023
PSEC Fall Meeting Minutes 13 Nov 22_
Consistory Secretary Rpt – Annual 2023
Endowment Comm. Rpt. – Annual 2023
Moderators Report – Annual 2023
Conference Minister Rpt – Annual 2023 – updated
Church & Ministry Rpt – Annual 2023
Personnel Committee Rpt – Annual 2023
Nominating Slate for 2023 – updated
PSEC Addiction Task Force Rpt – Annual 2023
Disaster Ministries Rpt. -Annual 2023