All persons with ministerial standing in the United Church of Christ are expected to abide by the UCC Ministerial Code. This document is the professional behavior standard, to which authorized ministers are held accountable through their Associations. This ethical code reminds ministers of their call and covenantal responsibilities to God, self, family and the Church. Regular review of the UCC Ministerial Code can help a pastor and a congregation pay attention to each other’s overall well-being and boundaries, to respond quickly to poor habits in ministry, and to set annual goals for holistic health and growth. Discerning what parts of the Code are most appropriate is best done in partnership between the pastors, church leadership, other staff, and key volunteers.

Each of the Associations of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference have voted to adopt the Ministerial Code as a standard for authorized ministers’ behavior.

The UCC Ministerial Code is documented in the Manual on Ministry. For more information on the MOM, visit the Manual on Ministry resource entry.