“Give us the vision and patience to live and labor faithfully though this season of response and recovery.” [Rev. Eddie Weathers, UCC Southern Conference]
HYMN: “O God, We’ve Prayed in Wind and Rain” by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
Tune: ST. ANNE CM (“Our God, Our Help in Ages Past”)
O God, we’ve prayed in wind and rain and now we pray once more
For those who felt the hurricane and heard the waters roar.
We pray for those who watched the storm destroy the life they knew,
Who wait in shelters, tired and worn, and wonder what to do.
We thank you, God, for acts of love not bound by race or creed,
For hands that reach across the flood to all who are in need.
We pray for others far away who’ve seen destruction, too;
We look beyond ourselves, for they are also loved by you.
We pray that leaders of our land will heed creation’s cry,
And bravely care and take a stand for earth and sea and sky.
Where rains flood cities, homes and towns may we go out to be
A witness that your love abounds in each community.
Tune: Attr. William Croft, 1708; Alternative Tune: “Amazing Grace,” Virginia Harmony, 1831
Text: Copyright © 2017 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved. Email: bcgillette@comcast.net Website: www.carolynshymns.com
Permission is given for free use in local churches to support the relief efforts.
When the rains do not stop, and the floods come,
and I doubt that anything can survive the extreme of this world’s harshness,
I still believe.
Somewhere in the depths of my soul, despite the evidence, I believe.
I believe that the ruins of life can be rebuilt.
I believe that the tears I shed will water seeds of joy deeply buried.
I believe that the green shoots of God’s justice will bear fruit.
I believe that the light that enlightens the world
will pierce the darkness of the current moment.
I believe that in all circumstances the Light radiates hope and joy, peace and love,
so that even in my darkest moments I can see.
Even in the palest light of faith, I can find my way through the shadows.
And for that I give thanks.
Written for the Solidarity Service of the Schuylkill Association in Tremont, PA, October 14, 2018 by the Rev. Karl Jones.