Committees on Ministry — the authorizing body of the United Church of Christ — in the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference closely follow the Manual on Ministry in their work. The current Manual on Ministry (MOM) is published in ten separate sections or booklets, all available at the link below. Also available, is a draft for the re-visioned Manual on Ministry.
In 2016, the Ministerial Excellence, Support, and Authorization (MESA) team of the United Church of Christ introduced a new MOM, made simpler while adding more content and changes to meet today’s ministry climate. Some sections of the new MOM — such as the Marks of Faithful and Effective Ministry in the United Church of Christ and the UCC Ministerial Code — Committees on Ministry are invited to begin using.
Find both the current Manual on Ministry and the drafted MOM at
One important component of the Manual on Ministry is the Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers, for more information on the Marks, visit this resource entry: Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers