The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference and the Penn Northeast Conference, in cooperation with the UCC Disaster Ministries, are jointly participating with the Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Puerto Rico (IEUPR) in the Puerto Rican recovery effort. The first trip is from April 28 to May 4. The second is from May 12-18. The trips are being led by Penn Northeast Conference Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Gilberto Garcia-Rodriguez.
These rebuild mission trips have been full since mid-January. The first trip has 12 people from PNEC and 6 from PSEC. The second week it is reversed: 11 from PSEC and 2 from PNEC. Therefore, there are 17 from PSEC and 14 from PNEC. PSEC churches represented on the trip are: Philadelphia: Glenside and St. Luke’s; North Penn: Trinity, Telford; St. Paul’s, Fort Washington; First, Quakertown; and St. John’s, Lansdale; Ursinus: St. James, Limerick; and Palm Schwenkfelder; Covenant: Grace (Alsace); Schuylkill: St. Peter’s, Pine Grove. We have churches from all five of our Associations.
The groups will be staying at the Yuquiyu Camp/Conference Center owned by the Iglesia Evangélica Unida de Puerto Rico. The Camp is in Luquillo near the Yunque National Forest.
The work is primarily repairing private homes in the Humacao area, about 45 minutes from the camp. Participants will be working in groups of 3 to 4, with supervision. Much of the work entails repairing cement roofs, interior ceilings and walls, installing windows and doors, as well as painting.
Please keep these trips in your prayers.
Photos courtesy Rev. Terri McNamara, St. Luke’s UCC, Philadelphia