Carversville United Church of Christ recently began trying a new monthly jazz vespers service. The first service in their three-month trial run was held in October. Additional events are scheduled for Nov. 10 and Dec. 8 at 5:30p at the church: 3736 AquetongRd., Carversville. Read more about the services below.
If you’re a jazz enthusiast or a long-time Bucks County resident, Eric Mintel’s name will be familiar. He and his quartet play throughout our area and across New England. They’ve garnered multiple accolades since forming as a quartet in 1993 – everything from performing at the White House to becoming a featured guest in 2005 on Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz on NPR. We have worked with Eric over the last few months to design an evening Jazz Vespers. The service will be a unique opportunity for people to meditate and celebrate as they experience the synergy of music and spirituality.
Vespers is rooted in ancient traditions of Christianity, and continues to be practiced in Catholic, Lutheran and Episcopal churches. Jazz Vespers integrates a music of contemporary culture with this age-old worship practice.
Our service will be held in our sanctuary. It will include a thoughtful combination of readings and prayers, with musical interludes from the Eric Mintel Quartet and a meditation by Pastor Bob Fogal. The service will be in “ordinary English,” not relying on traditional church language or terms. Dress is casual.
For more information, check out these items:
- A bulletin from the October service: 13 October Program
- A poster about the events to hang in your church: Poster
- A bulletin insert about the jazz vespers services: Newsletter Article & Bulletin Insert
- Pastor Bob Fogal’s sermon from the October service: 13 October Reflections