Brownback’s UCC in Spring City (Rev. Mark Stryjak), St. Matthew’s UCC in Chester Springs (Rev. Ron Hughes), and Wentz’s UCC in Worcester (Rev. Dale Davis) are working together to share a three-church Zoom confirmation class. Read below for a description of that effort, written by Rev. Stryjak.
A Confirmation Trifecta. If you never heard of it, neither did we, until three churches came together with hosting confirmation this year on Zoom. We are pleased to say this is going very well. Our very first meeting was partly taken up by introducing ourselves and it was great to hear just “how deeply aware of social issues such as race and climate change affect this group.”(Rev. Dale Davis)
Even amid the very strange and new way of living into this COVID era, the ten confirmands are also able to share their hopes and struggles as we discuss the curriculum. We have moved through our sessions and have had good participation. I even lost a bet and am now providing a bucket of cheese curls because of it. Bribery to end the meeting in prayer from one of the confirmands, last time I will do that. 🙂
If you read this all the way through, thank you for your time. I wanted to provide a joyful piece of news to know that adaptions are occurring in our Christian education, while providing diversity for all of us to come together and learn.
Thank you for your time!
Pastors Mark Stryjak, Ron Hughes and Dale Davis