12 Ways You Can Help Disaster Survivors Recover Through UCC Disaster Ministries

  1. Organize a U.S. disaster recovery work team. Just a week of your time will help disaster survivors rebuild their homes and lives. http://www.ucc.org/disaster_disaster-volunteers
  2. Repair/rebuild a hurricane-damaged home or part of a home for a family in Texas or Florida. $7,000 rehabilitates a Harvey-flooded affordable apartment in Port Arthur, Texas, including major appliances. $8,000 restores a Matthew- and/or Irma-damaged home in Volusia County, Fla. https://transactions.ucc.org/CampaignForm/UCChrist/emergency_usa
  3. Prepare your household and your congregation for an emergency. You’ll gain peace of mind and be able to help others. Here’s UCC Disaster Ministries’ Preparedness Guide: http://www.ucc.org/disaster_national-disaster-resources
  4. Contribute to the UCC’s Emergency USA Fund, which supports our denomination’s rapid humanitarian response to both large and small natural and human-caused disasters in all 50 U.S. states and territories. https://transactions.ucc.org/CampaignForm/UCChrist/emergency_usa
  5. Contribute to the UCC’s International Emergency Relief Fund, which supports our denomination’s disaster relief, long-term rehabilitation, advocacy and sustainability efforts along with refugee assistance around the world. https://transactions.ucc.org/CampaignForm/UCChrist/international_emergency_relief_fund
  6. Assemble Church World Service Kits – School, Hygiene and Baby Care Kits and – especially – Emergency Cleanup Buckets – time-tested packets of supplies that can be crucial to the recovery process following an international or domestic disaster. Do more with a UCC Disaster Ministries Matching Grant! http://www.ucc.org/disaster_2018_matching_grants_for_cws_kits_home_page
  7. Follow UCC Disaster Ministries on the web – www.ucc.org/disaster – and on social media. We’re “One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC)” – https://www.facebook.com/onegreathourofsharingucc – on Facebook and
    “oghs_at_ucc” on Twitter – https://twitter.com/OGHS_at_UCC
  8. Invite your UCC Disaster Ministries Conference Coordinator to speak at your Sunday worship service, adult Sunday church school or other occasion. http://www.ucc.org/disaster_us-disasters_ucc-disastercoordinators
  9. Learn how climate change causes and exacerbates disasters, and work for environmental justice. http://www.ucc.org/environmental-ministries
  10. Contribute generously to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, typically taken during Lent. http://www.ucc.org/oghs
  11. Contact UCC Disaster Ministries Executive Zach Wolgemuth – wolgemuthz@ucc.org – for information about serving as a long-term disaster recovery volunteer and for more information about disaster ministries.
  12. Volunteer – physically or virtually – to build houses in Nepal with the UCC’s partner Fuller Center for Housing. http://www.fullercenter.org/global-builders/nepal